Customer complaints procedure
- The member receiving the complaint should ask the complainant to write to the IWTA Secretary.
- The IWTA Secretary should log the complaint details, recording:
- member’s name/manufacturer’s name
- type of equipment
- location
- when supplied
- who supplied
- date of supply
- nature of complaint
- complainant’s contact details
- order references
- other relevant information
- The IWTA Secretary should acknowledge the complaint in writing (standard letter indicating complaint received, referred to original manufacturer). The expected timeframe for resolution should be determined and advised to the complainant (timeframe will depend on nature and complexity and should not take longer than 1-2 months).
- The IWTA Secretary shall refer the complaint to the member
- The member should investigate the complaint within a reasonable period and resolve the complaint, identifying the resolution both to the original complainant and to the IWTA Secretary
- The IWTA Secretary should record the outcome/resolution against the complaint and send a letter to the complainant advising, resolution was X and the matter is now closed.
- Financial complaints regarding costs of services or products will not be addressed by the association.
- Periodically, the complaints and resolutions will be reviewed within the IWTA meetings.
- An annual summary of complaints, manufacturers and resolutions will be prepared (this might need statistical review in consideration of volumes of plants sold).
- Complaint resolution can provide useful aids to assist customer guidance.
In 2010 DETA, in response to the growing realization that on-site sewage treatment encompasses a variety of interests, decided to broaden its sphere of interest. To reflect this change the title Irish Water Treatment Association was adopted.
IWTA will continue to play its part in achieving the goal of environment protection.