Customer Charter

This Customer Charter advises you of what you should expect when dealing with a member of the IWTA.

  1. You will receive honest and open advice from all IWTA members who will assist you to select the most appropriate system for your application.
  2. When contacting an IWTA registered company or member you will be advised of the “chain of responsibility” (see 5) linking the series of processes from the securing of planning permission to the installation and maintenance of your sewage treatment plant and percolation area or rainwater harvesting system.
  3. You will expect an IWTA member to only provide certified and approved products, eg
    • those in accordance with the European standard for small sewage treatment for less than 50 populations.  EN12566 (performance tested products).
    • or, prior to the standard implementation date, those products that comply with an appropriate Irish standard or Irish Agrément Board Certificate, or with an alternative national technical specification.
    • those in accordance with BS8515:2009 for rainwater harvesting products.
  4. You are encouraged to request IWTA members for sight of their product certification of your purchase and to review the content and meaning of the certificate.
  5. You will be advised of the series of steps that are necessary before purchasing a system to help you meet your regulatory and local environmental responsibilities.  For example:
    • the importance of a valid site characterisation report which correctly identifies soil suitability with mapped location in relation to percolation and/or disposal requirements.
    • design of complete system (equipment and disposal area).
    • sewage treatment equipment selection, in relation to size etc.
    • system installation guidelines
    • product certification
    • overall system certification (including disposal area)
    • operational and maintenance requirements
  6. You can expect IWTA members to advise you of:
    • the suitability of their system for your application
    • installation details for their treatment system
    • design and technical specification for their system
    • maintenance and desludging requirements of the plant
    • quotations will include all necessary components for complete installation and all costs will be transparent
    • details of maintenance contracts
    • details of insurance cover
  7. You can contact IWTA in the event of a complaint concerning an IWTA member supplied product or service.  Any complaint should be in writing and sent to the IWTA secretary.