News & Events
Building Regulation Certification Opt Out for Single One-off Houses
Starting from Sept 1st 2015, SI No. 365 of 2015 allows a person constructing a one off single house ( Opt Out) to opt out of the Building Control Regulations regarding the full Certification process, introduce(s) d last year , SI No. 9 of 2014, with the intention of...
Draft Standard Recommendation (SR66)
Download the Draft Standard Recommendation (SR66) dealing with onsite sewage disposal in domestic applications: Draft SR 66 2014 for public comment Its objective is to deal with issues not covered in the En-12566 series of standards.
IWTA – New Irish Standard SR66 – Review
IWTA is continually working to improve industry standards and has been actively involved in the new Irish standard SR66 - Guidance on the selection, installation and use of small wastewater treatment systems for domestic wastewater up to 50PE.This standard is now out...